domingo, 11 de marzo de 2007


Here I am after so long!!! I have been busy with work and when I come home I usually just think about taking a nap but no, because I also teach English to my cousin Dayana and that way I can make a bit of extra money. This week I will start teching two more teenagers!!! so MORE MONEY!!! yeah, I know money is not the most important but lately I've been using my credit card a lot so I NEED to pay my bills. So I barely have time to go to the computer and play. I pretty much just check my email and that's it. Jen's blog always motivates me to updte my blogg though but there are so many Internet sites where my friends post their news, photos, comments, that really I can't keep up with everyone of them. Seriously! facebook, ldslinkup, bloggs, msn spaces, and who knows how many more. When I decide to join one group there is a new one coming up!. ok Enough of complaining! my life has been CRAZY and fun as usual. Valentine's day was not bad, actually that is not true, it was nasty. I had to work from 2pm until 11pm and even the woman that does the laundry at the hotel left with flowers and chocolate but me. I don't know in other places in the world but here beside the couples, friends exchange presents, cards, candy, anyway, people sell and buy a lot. My friends worked during the day so I didn't see them and then I had to work the evening and if it wasn't for some guests at the hotel that left me a present wrapped in a cute bag of hearts I wouldn't have received anything. It was kinda disappointing when I open the bag and it was a bag of vanilla coffee that they got during their trip, I should have introduced myself as a mormon before I guess. It was nice though and made my valentine.
One of my best friends got married, he is the second one from the group that gets married and at the end of the year there's going to be another wedding of Israel and Esmeralda, they both are from our ward and very good friends of mine. Of course the bride's bouquet was very wanted by all of the girls in the group but none of us got it. I had fun at the wedding and It makes me wonder how our lives as married people are going to be. I still remember when we were kids and now we are adults even though we still act like kids sometimes.

There was a big disappointing time last week that I won't talk about but it made feel so sad the fact that there are people who lie and take advantage of others but that made me think of how Jesus was hurt so much and so many times and in so many different ways that I can't imagine how bad his pain was if my own pain of a broken heart was terrible!!!!. Fortunately the Lord made me feel so good after, he gave me an incredible new friend that made me feel so much better by just keeping me company and talking that evening. I know you would love to hear more about this friend but I will keep it as my little private secret for a while, but yes, it's a HE and he is AMAZING, HE is wonderful.

ok, my boss is in Italy right now visiting her boyfriend. I am jealous, but It is a great responsibility to stay at the office without her and to take decisions. We'll see how this 10 days work out. Ok, This is it for now. I still have to write all this in spanish, some of my friends read it in English and then realize I don't write the same in both languages but it is kinda boring you know. oh Jen, you are an amazing mom and Eric is an amazing dad, I am sure Konrad and Anders will be just fine when you go to France. By the way I had a dream about Konrad last night and he was so sweet helping me to cook something. Please let him know I think of him a lot.



jajaja ya se que a algunos se les hace cursi que me ponga a escribir en ingles y en español, pero bueno, yo me relajo escribiendo mis aventuras aquí y así me ahorro de andar contandole lo mismo a todos. Además en español puedo expresar mucho más cosas de las que puedo en ingles.

Saben, las últimas semanas estuvieron raras, no me acuerdo exactamente las cosas que pasaron pero de que entre me topaba con gente sangrona y chismosa, las computadoras en el trabajo no funcionaban correctamente, me enfermé de gripa, los detalles en la casa, en fin.... no podía esperar para que terminara una semana pero aprendí que la que sigue puede estar PEOR!!!! y asi fue, las cosas se tranquilizaron en cuestión de las fallas en las máquinas y todo, pero "alguien" me hizo sentir mucha confianza y me engañó, me defraudó y me rompió el corazón. No voy a dar detalles porque no vale la pena pero me hizo pensar en el ejemplo de Jesucristo, a èl lo traicionaron y lo defraudaron tantas veces gente a quien él amaba y no puedo entender como sería su dolor si yo me sentí tan mal y tan triste con esa desilusión que venía de alguien que nisiquiera me importa y que no está en mi vida pero para nada. Pero ya pasó.

También comenté en ingles que el día de San Valentín estuvo nefasto, hasta la señora de lavandería salió con flores y chocolates y yo trabajando. Me tocó estar de 3pm a 11 pero como no tenía nada que hacer y había mucha gente cursi en las calles me fui desde las 2pm. jajaja ya se que sueno bien amargada pero si me mandaron mensajitos al celular y mails.

La boda de Raul y Lupita estuvo muy bonita. Me siento muy bien ver a mi brother casado con una mujer que lo ama y que esten sellados en el Templo. Lupita es una gran mujer a quien hemos visto progresar y crecer de una manera indescriptible. Les deseo lo mejor de todo corazón. Y pues es el segundo de la banda en casarse, ya sabemos que siguen Israel y Esmeralda y despues a ver quien. Por supuesto que el ramo de Lupita estaba pero bien peleado, pero no lo agarró ninguna de nosotras, en cambio la liga que aventó Raul le cayó a Rely pero directito. ARRIBA LOS NOVIOS!!!. Me acuerdo de Bull cuando era niño y ahora lo veo casado y me da curiosidad de como vamos a ser todos ya casados y de padres de familia, aunque a veces todavía nos portamos como niños.
Mi jefa Sandra anda en Italia visitando a su novio. BIEN POR ELLA!!!. A ver que tal nos va estos 10 días en la oficina sin ella.